Thursday, 4 September 2014

Praise for "In Praise of Slow"

Some of you know that this week I began my Master's in Educational Technology (MET) via UBC. I'm beginning with a course titled "Foundations of Educational Technology" and to start off the course there is a short reading and couple of AV links discussing the concept of SOUL (slow online ubiquitous learning). I had never heard of it and I was pleased to make its acquaintance, to say the least. Although I found the song by Ok Go catchy, I can't say I want to return to the days of dial up!
However, as part of it, there was a link to a TEDtalk by Carl Honoré that was inspirational and, I dare say, quite possibly revolutionary for me.

As professionals on a never-ending time crunch, I felt I MUST share this with you. May you, too, be inspired to slow down.

Here's some of what struck me after absorbing this Talk.

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