Friday, 15 May 2015

Jaw Dropping Collection of ICT Tools and Resources for Educators

As part of etec510's first week of readings, we were instructed to explore a link made on something called Mindomo.  It's a mindmap generator (that has an extension for Google).  At first glance it looked meh to me but as I began to explore and expand the map I could feel my eyes getting bigger and my jaw dropping.

As an educational technologist I have a thing for collecting the tools and resources that can support those I work with.  Whoever made this (the info is outdated, their Twitter is not in a language I recognize and the blog is no longer active) put a mind blowing amount of work into curating this list.  Most accompanied by live links to visit the sites and some with thumbs up and heart icons which I take to mean they're recommended and approved (note the thumbs down beside Windows Movie Maker, I like this guy more and more) ;)

I still find the huge canvas of the expanded map clunky and annoying to navigate, maybe because I am a more linear visualizer.  If I had my druthers I would prefer this list in something like Diigo but still, worth a look.

It is too large once expanded to see properly when exported as an image that you can actually see clearly or navigate so I encourage you to visit the site and check it out for yourself.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Continuing the Technology Journey

My next Master in Educational Technology course is "Design of Technology Supported Learning Environments" and I am very excited!  Some of my fellow student-colleagues have inspired me to keep a more public record of my learning.  We shall see if I can continue the momentum to the end but here's a start:

Our first assignment was to create a digital story introducing one way our professional experience relates to educational technology and design.  Several platforms were suggested to consider including VideoScribe.  I've been enamoured of these whiteboard presentations for some time so I signed up for their seven day trial and am considering whether it is worthwhile to buy a membership in the future.

Here's my very first VideoScribe!

For future reference, and by means of thanks to our instructor, below is the directly quoted list of resources and tutorials from the Digital Storytelling course tab which she provided for our consideration.  I didn't find these resources myself or write the info below, all the props go to Chelsey Hauge and her co-authors of etec510.  I watched the first three basic tutorials from VideoScribe and found them very helpful.  I will be watching the whole series if and when I decide to invest in this tool more permanently.  One colleague created something via Creaza that looked pretty cool.  I hope to check that out next.

Tools and TIps for Making Digital Stories

Digital stories can be made using programs like iMovie or MovieMaker, or with one of many open-source apps. Some suggestions: